What kinds of opportunies are there once you complete your two years with the Peace Corps. I have been thinking about joining the Peace Corps for the past three eyars and only now am I seriously considering it.
Life out of the Peace Corps?
On one day in May 1968 I opened my mailbox at college and 1)got a letter of acceptance into the Peace Corp, 2)an offer to become an officer in the Navy (during Vietnam), or 3)work for a big defense company in Orlando, Fla. (before Disneyland was built).
I chose to go into the Navy but I often think of the other alternatives... the point of my story is that you never know where life will take you once you start down a road. That said, in the Navy I did see much of the world and met many people who were in the Peace Corps. The most important lesson I learned at that time was how important it was to see and try to understand the whole world. As a result of getting away from the US and seeing how other people lived, I saw opportunities where other people saw none.
Now I am retired and living on a tropical island in Indonesia. Most people in the US would never think of living in another country. Why? Because they have never really experienced anything outside of the US - the rest of the world is kind of strange and scary to them.
Serving in the Peace Corp will show you many new doors to places you never knew existed before. Which door you choose is entirely up to you. Some people choose to work in charitable organizations, while others take advantage of the vast new business opportunities opening up all around the world. You will gain both a perspective on life and knowledge about the other 95% of the people who live outside the United States.
No one has a crystal ball that can tell you what your future opportunities might be. All that can be said for certain is your horizons will be much broader and you will see opportunities much clearer by having served in the Peace Corp. Plus your whole life will be enriched by the experience.
I suggest you travel down that road...it's a wonderful place to start. And afterwards, when you get to the next crossroads in life, you will have opportunities open to you that you never even knew existed before.
Reply:That sounds great! What a terrific idea. A lot of employers really like Peace Corps service -- it shows that you have initiative and can deal with difficulties.
Reply:Firstly, know that most people who apply to be in the PeaceCorps are NOT accepted -- it is a highly competative process. You don't get to decide to join the PeaceCorps -- you can only decide to apply. More tips on volunteering overseas at the web site listed below.
Companies are attracted to returned PeaceCorps members because they have international experience, have gone through highly stressful, emotionally-intensive situations, and have navigated endless governmental bureacracies and cultural mindfields.
What you do post PeaceCorps is up to you -- I know returned members who went to work in the international office of the US Census Bureau, USAID, computer companies with international customers, and nonprofit organizations. What opportunities are open to you depends on your areas of expertise and the kind of work you would do abroad.
Reply:These are all terrific pieces of advice. The only thing I'd add is there is nothing like talking to a Peace Corps alum for advice. A great resource is the returned Peace Corps volunteer association -- http://www.rpcv.org/
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