Monday, May 4, 2009

3years ago I was told i had a swollen lymph. Its is solid and still the same.. should I be concerned? Its hard

I have a solid pea size lymph node behind my ear. i was told this three eyars ago and nothing has changed, should i be concerned? I have had other blood test done before so would they have found something involving that if it was bad? I am worried because it has been solid for at least 7 years total that I remember.. any one else have anything similar? What could this be..

3years ago I was told i had a swollen lymph. Its is solid and still the same.. should I be concerned? Its hard
You have been seen by a doctor, who Palpated the lymph node, I presume ( felt it )- and you have had blood tests. Did the physician tell you there was nothing to be concerned about unless it Grew in size? Did you have a cat scan or other test to make sure there is nothing else going on? Chest Xray? etc?

You have had this situation for 7 yrs you " know of"; how is your health? Can you eat, swallow, think clearly , breathe well, anything causing you pain- any other " lumps" showing up?

I would not worry about it, we get all sorts of strange nodules, lumps, bumps , many of which are completely benign; however, I would have it rechecked by a medical practitioner, and Ask him all of your questions, to give you more peace of mind.
Reply:Funny thing I had that 20 yrs. ago. The Dr. acted like what was I bothering about it for? Didn't I ever notice that before. He said the lymph node drains the head. I thought that sounded dangerous but he said it drains the scalp. I tried to think what could be on the scalp. Dandruff! I don't have the lump any more and I don't have dandruff since I changed hairdressers. Now I'm not a Dr. so they might have another opinion but this certainly didn't harm me!
Reply:I don't think a lymph node would be swollen after 7 years. They usually swell when there's infection or inflamation and that certainly would not last 7 years. Most likely you have a fatty cyst which is totally harmless. To make yourself feel better have it checked by a doctor but chances are if it's been there this long without complications you are ok.

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